Veronika Hapchenko nominated to Paszporty Polityki award

Congratulations to Veronika Hapchenko on her nomination to Paszporty Polityki 2023 (Polityka magazine "Passports" awards) in visual arts category. 



"She is a Ukrainian (born 1995) permanently living in Kraków. She was born and initially studied puppet theater set design at the National Film University in Kyiv, and after coming to Poland, she began studies at the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. The thematic interests of this young artist may seem quite surprising - in her painting, she traces the remnants of the Soviet Union that can be found in the physical and spiritual post-Soviet space. She looks at Soviet iconography and the power of the myths created at that time. She combines occultism with science, modernism with esotericism, magic and pagan mythology with philosophy, art history and literature. She reveals how paradoxically elements of Soviet propaganda were linked to mystical stories. “If we can't explain something, we turn to magic,” explains the artist."


Read the rest of the Polityka article in Polish here.

December 6, 2023